Jeff Leonard


Jeff Leonard is a one stop shop for entertainment. He can mystify doing stage magic or amaze performing close-up magic. He can lend his vocals to make a magical effect more memorable or add serenity to a wedding. He lends his magic, vocals and comedy as a performer for murder mysteries. He is always quick to share his talents for programs like "Make-A-Wish" and "Relay For Life". Jeff's life accomplishments include; Eagle Scout, award winning Orator, Village of Frazeysburg Mayor, award winning Stage Magician at Magi-Fest 2011, Honorably Discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps.,performed in 10 community theatre productions, performed 10 years for Vaud-Villities, performed in over 100 murder mysteries, as a wedding officiant has presided over 5 successful nuptials and with his wife Geri is an award winning amateur wine maker.

Pricing & Stats as of 06/30/2012
Original Price                          $2.50
Cards Printed                             100
Production Line                      *Open
Votes/Views                              197
GBB Price                               $1.41 
Sales Price                           $2.50
Quantity Available                     *100




06/08/2012 Graham writes, "A master of illusion and funky entertainment."

06/08/2012 Dawn writes, "Marine, Family Man, Community Service, Ex Mayor and Magician. Wonderful heart - great guy."

06/08/2012 Geri writes, "Let's go for July."

06/08/2012 Shelia writes, "Jeff is a great entertainer!"

06/07/2012 Dawn writes, "Jeff is a very kind man. He is devoted to his family, friends and community. He has served as Mayor. He is a dedicated performer and truly loves his craft. He is also a Marine. I have ultimate respect for him."

06/07/2012 Shelia writes, "Jeff is a great performer."

06/07/2012 Geri writes, "Jeff is busy doing a full time job and still does shows in the evening and weekends. This makes for 12 hour days in a lot of cases.

You must have a passion for magic to work an 8 hour day, load your car and drive an hour and a half for a show, then drive home just in time for bed.


06/06/2012 Geri writes, "Jeff is a great magician and entertainer. He is best with children and senior citizens. He makes them feel like they are special and that they are creating the magical moments."

06/06/2012 Graham writes, "Astounding (even magical) prestidigitation presentation."

06/06/2012 Michael from Encinal, TX writes, "Jeff could be our hero!"

06/03/2012 Becky from Coshocton, OH writes, "My husband & I both enjoyed Jeff's magic show so very much. Was a really good evening when we went to see him!!!"

6/01/2012  Jean writes, "jeff leonard is a great entertainer and a hard worker. he is an asset to the community."

Nomination Date: 05/31/2012
